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The Poison Master Talent is for Rogues who wish to kill silently and swiftly with brewed poisons.

Poison Master

(Rogue class feature)


(Level 0)

  • You gain Training with the Heal and Nature skills.
  • Whenever you take an Extended Rest, you may expend 25cp worth of materials to brew a number of doses of poison or antidote equal to your Intelligence modifier; you may use this poison to coat weapons when making attacks granted by this Class Feature. This poison remains viable for approximately 24 hours, or until used. Each dose of antidote may be used to counteract one dose of your applied poison.

Class Trick

  • You gain the following trick:

Built-Up Immunity

(per-encounter automatic reactiondefensive trick)


Poison Master


You are hit by a poison attack, or begin your turn while poisoned.


You may make a Heal or Endurance save with a +5 feat bonus. If you succeed, you shrug off the poison without taking ongoing damage or suffering any other symptoms or effects.
